
65th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting

Interdisciplinary Meeting with Nobel Laureates from the fields of physics, physiology or medicine and chemistry (28 June - 3 July 2015)


At the Lindau Meeting in 2015 up to 620 young scientists from all over the world will get the unique chance to spend an inspiring week with about 70 Nobel Laureates – to exchange experiences and establish valuable contact in science and beyond.

Students and young researchers who want to participate, have to submit their application at the Austrian Academy of Sciences, the nominating institution for the participants from Austria.

In general, young researchers are eligible to be nominated if:

  • they are not older than 35 years of age,
  • they are undergraduate, master or doctoral students or postdoctoral scientists in physics, chemistry, physiology or medicine or closely related disciplines,
  • they have not participated in previous Lindau Meetings,
  • they do not have a permanent professional working position,
  • they can provide records of distinctly above-average academic achievements, and
  • they can provide at least one letter of recommendation.

Please find the complete selection criteria here:


How to Apply or Nominate:

Please fill out the application form (see below) and send it with the required documents by October 13, 2014, to barbara.haberl(at)oeaw.ac.at.

For more information about the meetings and the application process, visit http://www.lindau-nobel.org.
