Moritz Csáky-Stipendium 2019

Biljana Andonovski wird für ihr Forschungsprojekt Freud, Tausk, Pappenheim: Psychoanalysis, First World War and the South Slavic Context ausgezeichnet.

The aim of this research is to set up a solid archival and documentary basis for the study of the work of two generationally close Viennese psychiatrists and members of Freudian community: Viktor Tausk (1879-1919) and Martin Pappenheim (1881-1945). The study shall situate their work in a new thematic and methodological context focused on cultural implications of the presence of psychoanalysis in South Slavic region in an epoch marked by the trauma of the First World War. Regarding V. Tausk, the research accent will be on his analysis of the psychology of war deserters (on which he had delivered a lecture at the psychiatric hospital in Belgrade in 1917), as well as on his involvement in the currents of literary Modernism in the South-Slavic and broader European milieu. Concerning M. Pappenheim, whose work is far less known, the research aims at reconstructing in detail his wartime engagements along with his relations to Freud and psychoanalysis, both of which could contribute to the critical reevaluation of the rare historical source that he had provided after his conversations with the perpetrator of the Sarajevo Assassination held in Theresienstadt in 1916.

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Biljana Andonovski hat 2008 das Masterstudium Serbian Literature and Language with Comparative Literature an der Universität Belgrad abgeschlossen und promovierte 2017 an dieser Universität im Fach Literaturwissenschaft. Seit 2012 ist Biljana Andonovski wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Institut für Literatur und Kunst. Von September bis Dezember 2018 war Biljana Andonovski Stipendiatin des Ministry of Science of Serbia am Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales (INALCO) an der Universität Sorbonne Paris Cité. Im Rahmen ihres Doktoratsstudiums hat Biljana Andonovski gemeinsam mit A. Mircic die Ausstellung „Avant-Garde: from Dada to Surrealism“ kuratiert (Gemeinschaftsprojekt des Instituts für Literatur und Kunst & Museums für zeitgenössische Kunst in Belgrad).

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