Dimitrov Fellowships

financed from the funds of the legacy of Dr. Leonid Dimitrov (1956-2014), longtime academic employee of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW)

Young, highly qualified doctoral candidates in all fields of mathematics, natural and technical sciences are invited to applywho started their doctoral or PhD studies at a university in Austria no more than three years ago (deadline is the submission date), are about to complete their doctoral thesis, and have no other funding during the period applied for.


25 applications were submitted at the deadline in March 2024; 11 fellowships were granted.

The funds of the legacy have been used up; there will be no further calls.

Key facts

Research Areas
Mathematics, Natural Sciences, Technical Sciences

Amount of fellowship
EUR 1,500 per month

Duration of fellowship
3-6 months



Private (Dimitrov Endowment)