The DOC Fellowship Programme of the Austrian Academy of Sciences offers funding for highly qualified doctoral candidates in all areas of research. The fellowships are intended to allow young researchers to dedicate themselves to working in focused fashion to complete their doctoral thesis within a clear timeframe.
Applications for a DOC Fellowship are open to highly qualified doctoral candidates of all ages who
The basis of assessment of the applicant’s academic qualifications are the course of studies (including length and marks), stays abroad already completed and the list of publications. Some international experts also require the applicant’s diploma or master’s thesis.
NEW 2023 Fellowships from FZÖ funds
The Fonds Zukunft Österreich (FZÖ) provides funding for dissertation projects dealing with issues related to the EU Missions within the framework of Horizon Europe (Cancer, Climate, Ocean, Cities, Soil) or the priority topics in the ÖAW's development plan (Empires and World Orders, Energy Systems, Aging, Artificial Intelligence).
Applications for funding under this framework are automatically included in the DOC selection process. Application requirements, selection criteria as well as amount and duration of funding correspond to the specifications for the DOC program.
In the case of an application for funding under this framework, the reference to one of the named subject areas must be clearly presented in the online form.
The Institut für die Wissenschaften vom Menschen (IWM) in Vienna offers DOC Fellows undertaking research projects in the fields of the humanities, the social sciences and cultural studies the opportunity of a six-month research stay at the institute. These Visiting Fellowships include a workspace at the IWM with IT facilities and involvement in the international scientific community.
Applicants interested in these opportunities should mention this in the cover letter accompanying their application. If a fellowship is awarded, the OeAW will forward the application documents to the IWM . The final selection of the candidates will then be made by the responsible authorities at the IWM.
The IWM charges a monthly fee (currently 250 euros) for the use of the infrastructure and lunch in the in-house cafeteria.
Each year (from 1 October on one year to 30 June of the following year) the IFK Internationales Forschungszentrum Kulturwissenschaften in Vienna and the University of the Arts Linz in Vienna, give a maximum of 2 OeAW DOC Fellows the opportunity to participate in its research programme as Junior Fellows. With this Fellowship, a workplace in an office with other Junior Fellows at the ifk is connected with IT and Internet access.
The ifk offers an interdisciplinary environment in which ÖAW Fellows can network with other doctoral students as well as with post docs and professors from all over the world. In addition, ÖAW ifk Junior Fellows have the opportunity to give a public lecture to a large international audience at ifk and Zoom. The projects of the fellows are placed in the media of the ifk (website, Instagram and ifk NOW: a magazine with a circulation of 8,000 copies). Fellows are also expected to attend the weekly Fellow Lectures (usually on Mondays) and attend the weekly meetings (dissertation workshop or Fellow Meeting)
Precondition: German language skills, level B1!
Applicants interested in these opportunities should mention this in the cover letter accompanying their application. If a fellowship is awarded, the ÖAW will forward the application documents to the ifk. The final selection of the candidates for the fellowships will then be made by the responsible authorities at the ifk. If the ifk is interested, the candidates are invited to an interview.
Length of Fellowship
24 / 30 / 36 months
next submission deadline
August 18 - September 15, 2025 (2 p.m. CET)