Who may participate?

Excellent undergraduates, master and PhD students, and young post-docs (not more than 5 years after their PhD), who have not participated in previous Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings and who do not have a permanent position yet.

Candidates must study and/or work in Austria; Austrian citizenship is not required.

We accept nominations and applications by young scientists.

Selection Criteria



Applications must be in English.

The following documents have to be submitted using the online form:

  1. Personal statement of the candidate incl. argument for the wish to participate (1 DIN A4 page)
  2. CV
  3. List of Publications (if existent)
  4. Copy of certificate of the last academic degree (Bachelor/Master/PhD)
  5. Letter of recommendation by a person who knows the candidate well, e.g. supervisor of bachelor/master/PhD thesis [NOTE: not more than two letters of recommendation will be accepted]
    Please consider the following aspects:
    - length: about one DIN A4 page
    - A description of the candidate’s achievements that could also cover details not found in the candidate’s CV.
    In case of recommending several candidates: An individual letter for each candidate and not a standard letter that is very similar for all the candidates


Submission: Upload via Online Form

Online Form

Fill in the online form and upload the documents as a total of two PDF files. The files are to be given the following names:

Application_Surname.pdf (personal statement, CV, publication list, certificates)

Recommendation_Surname.pdf (letters of recommendation)

Protected files will not be accepted. The individual files may not exceed 3 MB.



Upon receipt of your application, we will check that it is complete and meets the formal criteria and it will then be entered into the database of the Department of Fellowships and Awards with a project number.
Once the project has been checked for completeness, the applicant will receive confirmation by email.



Based on an agreement between the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research and the administration in Lindau, travel expenses of up to EUR 500 are covered. The processing takes place directly with the secretariat in Lindau. This means that participants book and pay for the trip themselves and then settle accounts with the secretariat in Lindau. Information on this will be sent with the confirmation of participation.


Research Areas
Medicine or Physiology, Chemistry or Physics

Submission Deadline
16 September 2024
