APART-MINT Application

To apply for an APART-MINT Fellowship of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, applicants must complete the following steps:

I    Read the general guidelines
II   Fill in the online form
III  Prepare the application
IV  Submit the application


Language of application

Applications can be submitted in either German or English.

Subsequent alterations

It is not possible to alter the application or to provide missing documents after submission. Only applications that fulfil the formal criteria will be accepted for review.


Re-application for APART-MINT is possible as long as the application requirements are met.
Please note that a resubmission means a new application and all documents must be updated and resubmitted!



Upon receipt of the application, the applicant’s data are entered into the database of the Department of Fellowships and Awards.

Online form 


Application documents

  1. Tabular CV incl. list of publications
  2. Letter of motivation (1 page max.) explaining the importance of the fellowship for the (further) development of the submitted project idea and the further career path
  3. Copy of doctoral/PhD certificate
  4. Confirmation of a workplace, i.e. confirmation of the possibility to use facilities and resources of the department or research institution, if necessary for undertaking the research project
  5. Demonstration of approval necessary for the research project (e.g. declaration of clearance by the Commission for Ethics)
  6. In the case of an application for funding from FZÖ funds: short explanation with reference to one of the named subject areas 

Project documents

  1. Abstract (one-page summary of the research proposal)
  2. Project description (5-8 pages) considering the following aspects:
    - in the case of a resubmission: description of the progress of the project or important changes/additions since the first application
    - arguments for the originality/unconventionality of the project, current research
    - research questions/hypotheses and methodological considerations
    - presentation of the expected results and possible risks
    - list of works cited in the project description (bibliography)
  3. itemization and reasons for the costs applied for


    The completed documents are to be submitted via the online form.

    Submission via the online form

    Please complete the online form (see point II) and upload your documents as a total of three PDF files.

    In the abstract, state your name and the title of the proposed project. Protected files cannot be accepted.

    The individual files may not exceed 3 MB.

    Name the files as follows:

    • Application_surname.pdf   (= application documents)
    • Abstract_surname.pdf        (= abstract)
    • Project_surname.pdf       (= project description)


    Upon receipt of the application before the deadline, we will check that it is complete and fulfils all formal criteria before filing it with a project number (A-number) in the database of the Department of Fellowships and Awards.

    After applications have been checked for completeness, applicants receive confirmation by email.



    Value of Fellowship
    + travel, material costs

    Duration of Fellowship
    12 Months

    Submission Deadline
    28 February 2025 (11.59 p.m. CET)


    The Road to a Fellowship


