MoChem Programme Statutes

Financed by Springer-Verlag Vienna, the Austrian Academy of Sciences (OeAW) and the Gesellschaft Österreichischer Chemiker (GÖCH) from the profits of the journal Monatshefte für Chemie – Chemical Monthly and awarded by the Austrian Academy of Sciences.


The Chemical Monthly Fellowship supports completion of a doctoral thesis in the field of chemistry; it is especially aimed at doctoral candidates who require funding for conducting research abroad.

If the doctorate or PhD is completed before the end of the funding period, the time remaining can be used to prepare publications.


Applications are invited from young, highly qualified doctoral candidates working in all areas of chemistry who are studying for their doctorate/PhD at an Austrian university.

Applicants may not have begun their doctoral or PhD studies more than three years earlier and must anticipate requiring no longer than a further twelve months to complete their doctoral thesis (as per date of submission).

Exceptions to this rule can be made if applicants can demonstrate care duties, illness or disability and discuss the matter with the Department of Fellowships and Awards of the OeAW in advance.

Duration and Level of Funding

Duration of fellowship: 6–12 months

Level of funding: € 10,000

Fellows who fail to adhere to the conditions of the fellowship are obliged to return the funding.

Selection Process

If applications under consideration have been submitted by persons to whom individual committee members have a close professional or private relationship, those committee members will not take part in the decision-making process.

The completed documents must be submitted to the Department of Fellowships and Awards of the OeAW before the submission deadline (as postmarked).

The fellowships are awarded by the Chemical Monthly Fellowship awarding committee, whose members are nominated by the Austrian Academy of Sciences and the Gesellschaft Österreichischer Chemiker (GÖCH). Fellowships are awarded on the basis of comparative assessment of applications by the committee members; external reviewers can also be consulted.

Applicants are entitled to apply for other (funded) positions. Notification of such applications and information on their outcome must be provided in writing to the Department of Fellowships and Awards of the Austrian Academy of Sciences immediately however.

There is no entitlement to a fellowship. The committee’s decision is final.

Goal Attainment

A copy of the completed doctoral thesis must be submitted no later than three months after the end of the funding period.

Fellows are also obliged to submit a paper to the journal Monatshefte für Chemie – Chemical Monthly within 18 months of completion of the funding period.

Legal Status

The OeAW exerts no influence on the content and organisation of the doctoral thesis project. The criterion for funding is fulfilment of the exposé produced by the fellow.

The Austrian Academy of Sciences does not acquire any rights to the research results by funding the fellowship, nor does it exert any influence on the nature of the fellows’ cooperation with research institutions and research groups.


[As of January 2017]




Value of Fellowship
10.000,- Euro gross/gross

Duration of Fellowship
6 - 12 Months

Submission Deadline
no call 2025
