To apply for a DOC Fellowship of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, the following steps must be taken.
I Consideration of the general guidelines
II Entering the online form
III Preparing documents
IV Submitting documents
NEW 2023 Fellowships from FZÖ Funds
The Fonds Zukunft Österreich (FZÖ) provides funding for dissertation projects dealing with issues related to the EU Missions within the framework of Horizon Europe (Cancer, Climate, Ocean, Cities, Soil) or the priority topics in the ÖAW's development plan (Empires and World Orders, Energy Systems, Aging, Artificial Intelligence).
Applications for funding under this framework are automatically included in the DOC selection process. Application requirements, selection criteria as well as amount and duration of funding correspond to the specifications for the DOC program.
In the case of an application for funding under this framework, the reference to one of the named subject areas must be clearly presented in the online form.
Application language
Applications from the natural sciences, the technical sciences, and medicine are to be written in English. Applications from the humanities, the social sciences and cultural studies may also be written in German.
All application documents must be in the same language!
Compliance with the guidelines for good scientific practice
When drafting the application, the programme statutes of the DOC programme and the guidelines of good scientific practice ( must be observed.
By signing the online application form for a DOC fellowship, applicants confirm that they have written the submitted project proposal independently.
Subsequent amendments
It is not possible to make amendments or submit missing documents once an application has been submitted.
Only applications fulfilling the formal criteria will be considered for assessment.
Exclusion of reviewers
Applicants may request that up to three potential reviewers who have negative conflicts of interest be excluded from the review process.
Applications submitted a second time must be clearly indicated as a resubmission. The re-application is a new procedure: Please update all application documents and revise your proposal based on the suggestions in the reviews!
Upon receipt of the completed form, the applicant's data will be entered into the database of the Department of Fellowships and Awards.
Online Form (accessible from 18 August 2025)
To complete the application, it is necessary to prepare application documents and project documents.
Application documents
Project documents
The project exposé must consider:
Re-submission (max. 2 pages)
If criticism was formulated in the review for the first submission or suggestions for revision were made, it must be explained whether and how these were taken into account.
The documents for resubmission must be uploaded in a separate document.
NEW 2023: Fellowships from FZÖ Funds
In case of an application related to one of the topics of the EU missions or the priority topics in the development plan of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, the relation to one of these topics must be clearly presented in the Online Form.
The completed documents are to be uploaded via the online form.
Upload via online form
Fill in the online form and upload the documents as a total of 4 PDF files (in case of re-submission: 5 PDF files).
State your name and title of your thesis in both the abstract and the project exposé. Protected files will not be accepted.
The individual files may not exceed 3 MB. The files are to be given the following names:
Confirmation of submission
After you have uploaded the application documents, you will receive a PDF document by e-mail that you will have to print and sign.
Return a scan of the signed form in PDF format (single file) as an attachment to a reply to the received email (click reply button). IMPORTANT: The default subject and recipient must not be changed.
Upon receipt of your application, we will check that it is complete and meets the formal criteria and it will then be entered into the database of the Department of Fellowships and Awards with a project number (A-number).
When all applications have been checked for completeness, about 3-4 weeks after the submission deadline, all applicants will be informed about the further course of the selection procedure.
Length of Fellowship
24 / 30 / 36 months
next submission deadline
August 18 - September 15, 2025 (2 p.m. CET)