Travel DOC

DOC Fellows may apply for an additional travel grant of EUR 500 for each year of the Fellowship.
These grants are intended for active participation in academic conferences and for research stays.
It is possible to apply for the total sum in advance during the first year of the Fellowship.

Grants are available for the following costs:

  • Transport costs,
  • Registration fees (for congresses),
  • Accommodation costs (following the lodging rate; hotel or airbnb costs will not be refunded!)

Attendance at congresses is financed if the Fellow is presenting research results there.

Employees (Angestellte)

The amount for the entire approved fellowship period will be transferred with the first installment when the fellowship begins.

Travel expenses are to be invoiced directly to the institution by which you are employed in accordance with its guidelines.
Travel expenses incurred must be listed in the general annual accounts sent to the Department of Fellowships and Awards.

Self-employed (Neue Selbständige)

Travel applications must be sent in advance to Joanna Kölbel (joanna.koelbel(at) using the form for travel grants and are examined by the Department of Fellowships and Awards.
The lodging rate used to calculate accommodation subsidies (cf. the application form) can be found e.g. in the database Rechtsinformationssystem des Bundes (RIS). Lodging rate 2b (Nächtigungssatz 2b) applies. The lodging rate can also be charged if accommodation does not cost anything. The lodging rate for Austria amounts to 15 Euro per night. Hotel or AirBnB invoices will not be refunded.

Per diems (Tagessätze) are not permitted.

For travel by private car, costs equivalent to a second-class rail ticket are accepted. Taxi bills will only be accepted if justified (e.g. heavy luggage).

Upon completion of a journey, travel expenses are to be submitted via the expenses form together with original receipts.  The sum will then be transferred to your account.


The road to a fellowship




Upon being awarded a fellowship

General documents

DOC documents