Gergely Application

Stefan M. Gergely Fellowships for Biodiversity

In order to make an application for a Gergely Fellowship, the following steps are required:

I    Consideration of general information
II   Registration in the online form
III  Preparation of the documents
IV  Submission of the documents

I General Information

Language of the application

Applications can be submitted in either German or English.

Subsequent changes

After receipt of the application, changes or submission of missing documents are no longer possible. 

Only applications meeting the formal criteria will be included in the review process.


Upon receipt of the application, the applicant’s data are entered into the database of the Department of Fellowships and Awards.

Online form

III Preparation of the Documents

Application documents as well as project documents must be prepared.

  1. Tabular CV, list of publications (if applicable)
  2. Letter of motivation (max. 1 page) incl. justification for the application
  3. Statement of the dissertation supervisor with reference to the academic qualifications of the applicant and the scientific quality of the dissertation project (f.i. significance for the field, preparatory work already done)
  4. Confirmation of a workspace, i.e. confirmation of the possibility to use rooms and resources at the institute, if this is necessary for undertaking the dissertation project
  5.  Proof of previous university qualifications (Diplom or Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees)

Project documents

  1. Abstract (= summary of the project exposé, max. 1 page)
  2. Project exposé (5 - 8 pages, excl. table of contents and bibliography) taking into account the following points:
    - scientific relevance and a brief presentation of the current state of research
    - research questions, methods, goals (including any preparatory work already done)
    - possible cooperation partners, if applicable
    - timetable for the requested funding period
    - list of project relevant literature

IV Submitting Documents

The completed documents are to be uploaded via the online form.

Upload via online form

Fill in the online form and upload the documents as a total of 3 PDF files.
Protected files will not be accepted. The individual files may not exceed 10 MB.

Confirmation of submission

After you have uploaded the application documents, you will receive a PDF document by e-mail that you will have to print and sign.
Return a scan of the signed form in PDF format (single file) as an attachment to a reply to the received email (click reply button).
IMPORTANT: The default subject and recipient must not be changed.


Upon receipt of your application, we will check that it is complete and meets the formal criteria and it will then be entered into the database of the Department of Fellowships and Awards with a project number (A-number).

When all applications have been checked for completeness, about 1-2 weeks after the submission deadline, all applicants will be informed about the further course of the selection procedure.


Value of Fellowship
36.000 Euro

Length of Fellowship
12 months

Deadline for Submission
extended until 15 November 2024
