DOC Information on submitting reports

Information on submitting reports

Halfway through and three months before the end of the funding period, an interim or a final report is to be submitted without solicitation  for forwarding to the responsible member of the awards committee (via e-mail to: Stipendien.Berichte(at)

You must also enclose a statement by your doctoral supervisor on the progress of your project.

Interim Report

Should the interim report not be received on time, the Fellowship payments will be stopped. After a grace period of six months, all claims to the Fellowship become void.
The interim report should include the following points (5–15 pages):

  • Overview of the Fellow’s activities during the period in the focus of the report (stays abroad, participation in conferences, teaching duties, etc.) including information on their significance for the research project.
  • Description of how the project has progressed (in terms of both content and organisation), especially progress or results in the period in the focus of the report with reference to the project proposal.
  • Description of plans up to the end of the Fellowship .

Final Report

Upon receipt of the final report by the Department of Fellowships and Awards, the final instalment of the Fellowship will be paid.
The final report should consider include the following points (5–15 pages, period in the focus of the report: period since submission of the interim report)

  • Overview of the Fellow’s activities during the period in the focus of the report (stays abroad, participation in conferences, teaching duties, etc.) including information on their significance for the research project.
  • Description of how the project has progressed (in terms of both content and organisation), especially progress or results in the period in the focus of the report with reference to the project proposal.
  • Outlook: future plans and further career steps after completion of the Fellowship.


  • report form (download see below)
  • Work report (5-15 pages) with reference to the DOC application
  • Summary of the work report / abstract
  • Signed Statement by the thesis supervisor on the progress of the project
  • Publications that have been published or submitted for publication during the reporting period

Please send the documents as a total of 4 pdf files. The files are to be given the following names:

  • Interim report_Form_Surname.pdf
  • Interim report_Surname.pdf   (= Abstract and report)
  • Interim report_Statement_Surname.pdf
  • Interim report_Publications_Surname.pdf
  • Final report_Form_Surname.pdf
  • Final report_Surname.pdf   (= Abstract and report)
  • Final report_Statement_Surname.pdf
  • Final report_Publications_Surname.pdf

Forms for reports

Formular Zwischenbericht
Formular Endbericht

The road to a fellowship




Upon being awarded a fellowship

General documents

DOC documents