[USA Fellowships of the Max Kade Foundation]
To apply for a MAX KADE Fellowship of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, applicants must complete the following steps:
Submission deadline
25 June 2025
Language of application
The application must be written in English.
Subsequent alterations
It is not possible to alter the application or to provide missing documents after submission. Only applications that fulfil the formal criteria will be accepted for review.
Exclusion of reviewers
It is possible to exclude from the review process up to three potential reviewers who may not be well disposed towards the proposed project.
If an application is declined, it is possible to resubmit provided the conditions of application are met.
Resubmitted applications must be clearly marked as resubmissions and an accompanying report outlining the progress the project has made since initial submission must be included. If the reviews following initial submission expressed criticism or suggestions for revision, applicants should state whether and how these points have been addressed.
Upon receipt of the application, the applicant’s data are entered into the database of the Department of Fellowships and Awards.
Online Form (available at the next deadline for applications)
The following application documents and project documents must be prepared for submission:
Application documents
Application documents
The completed documents should be submitted via the online form and as one hard copy by post.
Submission via the online form
Please complete the online form (see point II) and upload your documents as a total of three PDF files.
In the abstract, state your name and the title of the proposed project. It is not necessary to sign the electronic version. Protected files cannot be accepted.
The individual files may not exceed 3 MB.
Name the files as follows:
Submission by post
Please send one signed copy of the online form together with the documents listed above to:
Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften
Abteilung für Stipendien und Preise
Dr. Ignaz Seipel-Platz 2
1010 Wien
When enclosing your documents, do not use plastic folders, paper clips, staples or any form of binding and submit your documents in the order in which they are listed above. (Documents will not be returned following review.)
Upon receipt of the application before the deadline, we will check that it is complete and fulfils all formal criteria before filing it with a project number in the database of the Department of Fellowships and Awards.
After applications have been checked for completeness, applicants receive confirmation by email.
Value of Fellowship
72.000,- USD
Duration of Fellowship
12 Monate
Submission Deadline
25 June 2025