Max-Kade Information

Information & Requirements

Applications for a MAX KADE Fellowship of the Austrian Academy of Sciences are invited from young scholars from all fields of research who

  • have completed their doctoral studies (Dr., PhD or MD,, within the last ten years in an academic discipline connected to their proposed project,
  • can demonstrate their research experience in scholarly publications (corresponding to the stage in their career),
  • are Austrian citizens or have been resident in Austria for at least three of the last ten years,
  • present a detailed description of the research projects including reasons for the stay abroad and
  • an invitation  from their chosen research institution in the USA.

It is expected that the candidates are residing in Austria at the time of application and will return to Austria following the research stay.


Time taken out for childcare is recognised up to three years per child; further exceptions can be made if military or civilian service or disability can be demonstrated.  Exceptions must be discussed with the Department of Fellowships and Awards prior to application.

Duration of funding

MAX KADE scholarships are awarded for a period of at least 12 months. (A shorter duration cannot be applied for).

If justified in exceptional cases, a single extension of up to 6 months can be applied for directly via the Max Kade Foundation in New York.

Level of funding

The level of funding of a MAX KADE Fellowship currently amounts to USD 72,000 per annum.

Additional travel expenses and allowances for partners and children are also granted (see Fellowship Rates).

Since the fellowship is financed by a foundation based in the USA, the income must be taxed in the USA.


The Max Kade Foundation transfers the amount to the host institution, which pays the fellow in monthly instalments.

The host institution must be a non-profit organisation and recognised by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) as a “public charity” (most universities and colleges fall within this category).


Applicants are entitled to apply to other (funding) bodies. The Department of Fellowships and Awards of the Austrian Academy of Sciences must be informed in writing of the result of such applications however.

It is possible to reapply to this funding programme once.

After the fellowship has ended, fellows must submit a work report.

Fellows who fail to adhere to the conditions of the fellowship due to their own fault are obliged to return the funding.


Value of Fellowship
72.000,- USD

Duration of Fellowship
12 Monate

Submission Deadline
25 June 2025


The Road to a Fellowship




Upon being awarded a fellowship

General Documents

Max-Kade Documents