Here you will find frequently asked questions from applicants of the DOC program and the corresponding answers. For further questions, please contact the Department for Fellowships & Awards of the ÖAW: stipref(at)
Can I apply if I have not yet completed my Diplom / Master’s degree by the submission deadline?
The diploma/master's degree program must be fully completed at the time of application, i.e. the degree certificate must be submitted with the application documents.
Exceptions are possible if proof is submitted with the application documents that all courses have been completed and the diploma/master's thesis has been graded. The final examination for the diploma/master's program must take place no later than six weeks after the submission date; this date should be communicated when the application is submitted.
I completed my Diploma / Master’s degree more than two years ago. Can I still apply?
If the diploma/master’s degree was completed more than two years before the submission deadline, the period can be extended to a maximum of four years. The following reasons for delays/interruptions are accepted: (child) care obligations, military or civilian service, disability, (chronic) illness.
Please send us an e-mail before submitting your application: stipref(at)
How is the date of completion of the Master’s or Diploma program determined?
The date of the last examination (e. g. final examination or defense of the diploma / master thesis) applies. This date is usually indicated on the certificate of completion.
The cut-off date for calculating the period after the diploma/master’s degree is 1 July of the year of submission.
Can I also apply if I do not have a Diploma / Master’s degree but have been admitted to the doctoral/PhD program after completing my Bachelor’s degree?
Yes, that is possible. Please send us an e-mail before submitting your application: stipref(at)
What is the final date if I have completed several diploma/master’s studies?
In the case of more than one university degree, the date of the last degree corresponding to a diploma or master’s degree applies.
If the last completed Diploma/Master degree is not relevant for the thesis (i. e. not subject-specific), please clarify with us in advance whether an exception is possible: stipref(at)
Can I apply if I have completed my Master’s degree abroad?
Yes, that is possible. If the certificates are in a language other than German or English, please enclose a translation (this does not have to be certified).
What are the exceptions to the application requirements?
If the diploma/master’s degree was completed more than two years before the submission deadline, the period can be extended to a maximum of four years. The following reasons for delays/interruptions are accepted: (child) care obligations, military or civilian service, disability, (chronic) illness.
Please send us an e-mail before submitting your application: stipref(at)
Do I have to be enrolled at a university in Austria at the time of application?
No. If your application is approved, you must present the confirmation of enrolment at the start of the fellowship.
Can I apply if I already have an employment contract as a doctoral/PhD candidate at the time of application?
Yes, that is possible. Please enter this information in the online form under the question “current employment”.
Can I apply if I already have funding for my thesis at the time of application?
Yes, that is possible. Please enter this information in the online form under the question “current employment”.
Can I apply for other ÖAW fellowship programs at the same time if I meet the respective formal application requirements?
No, this is not possible.
Is there a deadline for submitting an application?
Yes, the next application deadline is 16 September 2024 (23.59 p. m.).
The application must be uploaded via the online form on the website of the Department for Fellowships & Awards .
After you have uploaded your documents, you will receive a PDF document with your details by e-mail and will be asked to print this document, sign it and return the scan by e-mail. You can also send this e-mail the day after the submission deadline.
Can I still apply after the deadline, i.e. after the official application deadline?
No. After the submission deadline, it is no longer possible to upload the documents and submit the application online. It is not possible to apply by e-mail or post.
What can I do if I have submitted my application online but would like to change or add something?
The application must be complete at the time of submission. Changes or the late submission of documents are no longer possible after the submission deadline.
Exception: If the Diploma/Master degree program is completed no later than six weeks after the submission deadline, the final certificate may be submitted later.
Can I apply for a fellowship with another funding organisation at the same time?
Yes, a parallel application with another funding organisation is generally possible.
You must indicate this in the online form and inform us immediately about (further) parallel applications or possible decisions during the selection process.
In which language should the application be drafted?
Natural and Life Sciences, Technical Sciences, Medicine, Mathematics: English
Humanities, Social Sciences and Cultural Studies: German or English
In principle, all application documents must be written in the same language!
The project description should not exceed 20 pages. Does this include the bibliography?
No. However, the project description (including bibliography) should not exceed 30 pages!
Can the research project also include a clinical study?
Clinical studies are only funded if they are hypothesis-driven and the project description meets the requirements listed under DOC Application/project documents.
Can I also carry out a research stay abroad during the DOC fellowship?
Yes. Fellows may go abroad for a research stay within the scope of DOC; the maximum duration of 12 months can be divided into up to three stays abroad.
Do I have to go to a university or research institution during my research stay abroad?
No; field research, archive and library visits are also possible.
Can several letters of recommendation be enclosed?
In any case, a letter of recommendation from the supervisor must be enclosed with your application.
Another letter of recommendation, e. g. from the second supervisor, is also accepted.
Can my supervisor send the letter of recommendation directly to the ÖAW?
Yes; please by e-mail to stipref(at)
Which documents do I need to submit my application online?
All documents that must be submitted for a complete application are listed on our website under Preparing Documents.
Do I have to have my certificates certified?
No. If the certificates are in a language other than English or German, please include translations.
Are there any requirements regarding formatting, font size, font type etc. of the application?
No. However, the font, font size and line spacing should make it easy to read.
In which case do I need an opinion from the Ethics Committee?
The opinion of the relevant Ethics Committee must be sought if examinations are to be carried out on humans, on material taken from humans or on identifiable personal data.
Do I have to submit the opinion of the Ethics or Animal Testing Committee when submitting the application?
No, this opinion can also be submitted later. However, please note in the project description that this opinion will be requested and submitted later.
Is there a possibility of resubmission if an application has already been rejected?
Yes, it is possible to re-apply to the DOC program once, as long as the conditions of application are fulfilled.
Please note that in addition to the evaluation of the revised project, the applicant’s academic qualification (study course including duration and grading, previous stays abroad and the list of publications) will be taken into account when awarding the project.
Applications submitted a second time must be clearly marked as such. In addition, to the revised project description, another document must be submitted that presents the progress of the project since the initial submission. If criticisms or suggestions for revision have been made in the reviews on the initial submission, comments must be made on them and whether and how they have been taken into account.
Please note that a re-submission means a new application and all documents must be updated and re-submitted!
Will the receipt of my application be confirmed?
After you have uploaded your documents, you will receive a PDF document with your details by e-mail. Please print this document and sign it. Return a scan of the signed form in PDF format in a single file as an attachment to a reply to the received e-mail (click on the reply button).
IMPORTANT: The given subject and the recipient must not be changed.
How will I be informed about the progress of the procedure?
After the completion of the examination of all applications for completeness and formal correctness, approximately 3-4 weeks after the deadline for submission, all applicants will be informed by e-mail about the further progress of the procedure.
How will the plagiarism check of the project proposal be carried out?
Turnitin is used in the formal review of applications, a software program that checks papers for text similarity with sources on the internet and licensed journals. Please pay attention to so-called “self-plagiarism”, i.e. text passages from the (unpublished) Master's thesis or publications by the applicant or supervisor without being marked as citations. We recommend making sure that such passages are also clearly marked as citations.
Who are the members of the DOC Fellowship Committee?
The fellowship committee consists of researchers working at a university or non-university research institution in Austria.
The applications are assigned to the members of the awards committee according to their fields. Great attention is paid to avoiding potential conflicts of interest. Hence committee members and applicants may not work at the same university or research institute. Furthermore, professional or private relations or rivalry are also taken into consideration, and, if necessary, external experts are called upon to assess an application.
Who reviews the applications for a DOC Fellowship?
For the evaluation of the projects, habilitated or similarly qualified experts working abroad are used.
How are the international reviewers selected?
The members of the committee propose suitable experts who work abroad. In addition, experts can be named from the database of the Department for Fellowships & Awards of the ÖAW. During the selection process, strict attention is paid to reasons of bias or possible conflicts of interest. Of course, applications will be treated confidentially.
For each application, established experts are consulted, who are able to assess the evaluation according to the international standards in the respective field based on their own scientific experience or research activity. These reviewers work on a voluntary basis, i. e. they do not receive any financial compensation for this activity.
How many expert opinions are requested?
For each application under the DOC program, one or two reviews are obtained. In the case of interdisciplinary applications covering several research areas, the number may be increased.
How are applications allocated to the subject areas?
At the time of submission, the assignment to the subject areas (Statistik Austria) is queried in the online form; the assignment must be made by the applicant. Up to three subject areas can be specified.
Relevant is the assignment to one or max. three subject areas for comparative discussion in the award committee – applications are discussed and evaluated in comparison with other applications from the same or related subject areas.
What are the criteria for deciding on the award of the fellowships?
When deciding on the award of the fellowships, the academic qualifications of the applicant and the quality of the dissertation project and the academic environment are taken into account.
Assessment of the applicant’s academic qualification is based on the course of study (including duration and grading), previous stays abroad and the list of publications.
The evaluation of the dissertation project is based on the scientific originality and relevance of the research project to the research area, the presentation of the research questions and methods, the timetable and the suitability of the selected research institutions to carry out the project.
In the event of a rejection, will I be informed of the reasons?
In the first selection round, a shortlist of the applications that will be reviewed internationally is drawn up. This selection is made on the basis of a statement of reasons relating to the scientific quality of the dissertation project, which is sent to the applicants in writing in the event of rejection.
If the rejection takes place in the second selection round, the written comments of the reviewers will be forwarded to the applicants in anonymised form after the committee meeting.
What happens if my application is rejected?
Once the fellowships have been awarded, the reviews are forwarded to the applicants in anonymised form. It is possible to re-apply once.
It should be pointed out that due to budgetary constraints, applications must be rejected despite a positive evaluation. Legal recourse is excluded.
When will the selection meeting take place?
The selection meeting takes place in the spring (May/June) of the year following the application.
When can I start the fellowship?
You can start the fellowship three months after you have been informed that you have received it, at the earliest.
When does the payment of the fellowship begin?
The first installment will be paid out upon commencement of the fellowship.
A payment of the fellowship for a period before the actual start is not possible.
Can I take on other activities in addition to the fellowship?
Additional occupations (e.g. teaching assignments, tutorials) are permitted if they promote the program's goal – the successful writing of the thesis – and do not take more than ten hours per week.
Please send an e-mail to Joanna Kölbel (joanna.koelbel(at)
How much is the fellowship?
The amount of a DOC fellowship will be increased every year; please find the current rate here.
If you carry out the fellowship as a "New Self-Employed" (= Neue*r Selbständige*r), the amount will be transferred to your account. Then, you are obliged to pay income tax and to register with the Sozialversicherung für Selbständige (for social and health insurance).
If you are employed at a university or research institution as part of the fellowship, the amount will be transferred to the university. The amount of a DOC fellowship is a super gross sum and contains the legally required non-wage labor costs (including the employer’s contribution), taxes and duties. The respective extent of employment depends on the collective bargaining agreements or company agreements of the respective university or research institution.
I am employed with the fellowship at a university or research institution: Can my salary be increased from other funds?
Yes, this is possible if it promotes the program goal – the successful writing of the thesis.
How is the fellowship paid?
The DOC fellowships are paid out in annual installments either directly to the fellow ("New Self-Employed") or to the university/research institution in Austria where the fellow is employed.
A prerequisite for employment within the framework of the funding program is the commitment of the head of the institute that a work place can be made available if the fellowship is awarded.
Am I employed by the OeAW as a DOC fellow?
No. However, if you carry out the research for your thesis at an institute of the OeAW, you must be employed at the OeAW.
What to consider in case of pregnancy and maternity leave?
In Austria the maternity period covers a period of eight weeks before the calculated date of birth and eight to twelve weeks after birth. During this time, the fellow is absolutely prohibited from employment if she is employed by a university or research institution.
Thereafter, parental leave can be taken (with interruption of the DOC fellowship for a maximum of 12 months) or the activity can be resumed in full or in part.
In any case, please inform Joanna Kölbel (Joanna.koelbel(at) and (if you are employed) your employer in good time of your pregnancy and the beginning of the maternity period.
What to consider in case of parental leave?
The fellowship can be interrupted for up to 12 months for the duration of the parental leave.
Please announce this interruption in good time, i.e. 3 months before the start of the interruption – that means, inform Joanna Kölbel (Joanna.koelbel(at) and (if you are employed) your employer.
What to consider in case of long-term illness?
If you are employed at a university or research institution, the provisions apply as for all other employees: The continued payment of remuneration by the employer is at least six and a maximum of twelve weeks of full pay and four weeks of half pay (depending on the length of service with the university/research institution). After that, you are entitled to sick pay from the health insurance company.
Please inform Joanna Kölbel (Joanna.koelbel(at) and (if you are employed) your employer.
Can the approved funding period be extended?
The funding period can be extended cost-neutrally. Please contact Joanna Kölbel (Joanna.koelbel(at)
Requests for extension submitted after the originally envisaged end of the funding period cannot be considered.
Is there a form for applying for travel expenses?
Yes. This can be found on the website at:
Is there a form for billing travel expenses?
Yes. This can be found on the website at:
When do I have to submit my interim report?
The interim report must be submitted halfway through the funding period. You will receive a reminder by e-mail one month before the deadline.
Can the deadline for submission of the interim report be extended?
Yes. Please send an informal application for an extension of the deadline including justification at least one month before the deadline (to: eva.gutknecht(at)
What happens if the interim report is not received by the OeAW?
If the interim report is not received by the deadline and no application for an extension of the deadline has been submitted, the payment of the fellowship will be discontinued after a one-time written reminder.
When do I have to submit my final report?
The final report must be submitted three months before the end of the funding period. You will receive a reminder by e-mail one month before the deadline.
Can the deadline for submission of the final report be extended?
Yes. Please send an informal application for an extension of the deadline including justification at least one month before the deadline (to: eva.gutknecht(at)
What happens if the final report is not received by the OeAW?
If the final report is not received by the deadline and no application for an extension of the deadline has been submitted, the last installment of the fellowship will not be paid.
Are there forms for interim and final reports?
Yes. The forms can be found here.
How can I send my report to the OeAW?
The report must be sent to the following e-mail address: Stipendien.Berichte(at)
Is there any information on how to create the report?
Yes, information can be found here.
What documents must be submitted for the report?
Please fill out the report form and enclose the work report (5-15 pages), a summary of the work report, the statement of the thesis supervisor, and publications that were created during the reporting period.
What should the statement by your doctoral supervisor say? How long should it be?
The statement should describe the progress of the dissertation project so far from the point of view of the doctoral supervisor; changes and/or problems in the implementation can also be addressed here.
Length: approx. 1 DIN A-4 page.