About 600 highly-talented young scientists from all over the world will get the unique chance to spend an inspiring week with Nobel Laureates in Physiology or Medicine – to exchange experiences and establish valuable contact in science and beyond.
Undergraduate students, master and doctoral students and young postdoctoral scientists in the field of Physiology or Medicine who want to participate, are invited to submit their application at the Austrian Academy of Sciences, the nominating institution for the participants from Austria.
In general, young researchers are eligible to be nominated if:
- they are not older than 35 years of age,
- they have not participated in previous Lindau Meetings,
- they do not yet have a permanent professional working position,
- they can provide records of distinctly above-average academic achievements,
- they can provide at least one letter of recommendation,
- and commit themselves to being present for the full duration of the meeting.
The complete selection criteria can be downloaded at the bottom of this page.
A committee comprised of experts in Physiology or Medicine, who are also members of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, will review all nominations and applications and will select a group of up to 20 candidates to be forwarded to the organizing Council for the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings. This panel will then select those candidates who will be invited to participate.
How to Apply or Nominate:
Please fill out the application form (see below) and send it with the required documents by September 25, 2017, to barbara.haberl(at)oeaw.ac.at.
Required Documents
- CV incl. list of publications
- Copies of Bachelor / Master / PhD certificates
- Personal statement (explaining why you want to participate at the Meeting, taking into consideration the standards and criteria mentioned below)
- Letter(s) of recommendation (for those in medical training, two letters of recommendation would be helpful – one from a scientific mentor and one from a medical mentor)
Guideline for recommendation letters:
- Length: roughly one DIN A4 page submitted as a pdf file
- Language: English
- A description of the candidate’s achievements that could also cover details not found in the candidate’s CV
- The letter should be written by a person who knows the person well, e.g. supervisor of the Master or PhD thesis
- An individual letter for each candidate and not a standard letter that is very similar for all the candidates