APART-GSK is a funding program of the OeAW for excellent young researchers in the humanities, social sciences and cultural sciences (GSK) in the first post-doc phase. The program is intended to offer exceptional young researchers on their way to scientific independence the opportunity to acquire funding by themselves and with their own research idea.
The funding is intended to help prepare for the next essential career step ("2nd book" or habilitation).
Target group
Applications are invited from post-docs from Austria and abroad in the humanities and social and cultural sciences who
The project can be implemented at any suitable Austrian research institution, although part of the funding period can also be spent abroad.
Exceptions must be clarified by consulting the Department of Fellowships & Awards of the OeAW before the application is submitted.
The doctoral or PhD program must be completed at the time of application (deadline is the submission deadline); the completion of the doctoral or PhD program must not be more than three years ago. Exceptions due to (child) care obligations, disability or (chronic) illness are possible; the deadline can be extended to a maximum of six years.
Application details
Applicants are free to apply to other (funding) bodies. The Department of Fellowships & Awards of the OeAW must be informed of such applications and their results in writing however.
It is not possible to apply for another OeAW fellowship program at the same time.
Re-application for the APART-GSK program is possible if the application requirements are met.
Rules of Good Scientific Practice
When drafting the application, the program statutes of the APART-GSK program and the Rules of Good Scientific Practice (https://oeawi.at/richtlinien/) must be observed.
Research stay abroad
It is possible to carry out a stay abroad with a duration of up to half of the funding period within the framework of an APART-GSK fellowship.
Duration of funding
APART-GSK fellowships are awarded for a period of 36 or 48 months and must be commenced within four months of the announcement of the decision of the committee. In justified exceptional cases, a later start is also possible.
If there is proof of (child) care obligations or (chronic) illness or disability, the fellowship can be claimed as a part-time fellowship. In this case, the funding period can be extended by a maximum of half of the approved time.
Amount of funding
The amount of the fellowship is adjusted every year; for more information, see: Fellowship rates
The amounts quoted are personnel costs.
Additional funds of max. 12,000 euros per year can be applied for project-specific travel and material costs as well as other costs (e.g. publications in Open Access journals, coaching or personnel development measures, etc.).
A cost subsidy of max. 2,000 euros (gross/gross) per year is provided for childcare.
The fellowships are paid out in annual instalments either directly to the fellowship recipients ("new self-employed") or to the university or non-university research institution in Austria where the fellowship recipients are employed.
The prerequisite for employment within the framework of the APART-GSK program is the commitment of the institute management that a workplace can be made available if the fellowship is awarded.
There is no provision for payment of the fellowship for a period prior to the actual start of the fellowship.
Acceptance of an APART-GSK fellowship obliges the grantees to concentrate their work on the research project. Additional secondary employment (e.g. teaching assignments) is permitted if they promote the program objective and do not take up more than ten hours per week. Exceptions to this regulation must be clarified with the Department of Fellowships & Awards of the OeAW.
Should fellows fail to adhere to the conditions of the fellowship, they must pay back their funding.
Fellowship recipients commit themselves to publicly present the results of their research project as well as to submit a project report at the halfway stage and at the end of the fellowship to the Department of Fellowships & Awards of the OeAW (stipendien.berichte(at)oeaw.ac.at).
In all publications resulting from the funding, the note "funded within the APART-GSK program of the OeAW" must be cited.
Legal status
The OeAW has no influence on the content and organization of the research project. The criterion for funding is the fulfilment of the exposè prepared by the recipient of the fellowship.
The Austrian Academy of Sciences does not acquire any rights to the results of the research work through the payment of the fellowship, nor does it exert any influence on the type of cooperation of the recipient(s) with research institutions and research groups.
Value of Fellowship
+ travel and material costs
Duration of Fellowship
36 / 48 Months
Submission Deadline
25 March 2025 (11.59 p.m. CET)