

OeAW Post-DocTrack fellowships are intended to support holders of a doctorate or PhD in the humanities, social and cultural sciences who are pursuing an academic career in the transition phase immediately after completing their doctorate. In particular, the aim is to support:

  • the completion of publications resulting from a doctoral thesis,
  • the development of an applicant’s own research project for applying to national or international funding bodies,
  • the establishment of (international) networks and cooperations in connection with one or both of the above-mentioned goals

Target Group

Applications are invited from outstanding young scholars who have completed their doctoral or PhD studies in the field of the humanities, social sciences and cultural sciences at a university in Austria no more than six months before the submission deadline.

The doctoral or PhD studies must be completed at the time of application; the entire duration of the applicant’s doctoral or PhD studies may not be longer than five years.

Further application requirement is also the high scientific quality and originality of the dissertation (evaluation with "very good") or previous research achievements.


Exceptions must be discussed with the Department of Fellowships and Awards of the OeAW prior to application.

The total duration of the doctoral or PhD studies may not exceed five years. Exceptions due to (child) care obligations, disability or (chronic) illness are possible; the deadline can be extended to a maximum of seven years.

The doctoral or PhD studies must be completed at the time of application, i.e. the examiner’s reports on the doctoral thesis and the doctorate/PhD certificate must be submitted with the application documents. Exceptions are possible if defensio/rigorosum takes place no later than six weeks after the submission deadline. In this case, the final certificate can be submitted later.

Application modalities

Applicants are entitled to apply to other (funding) bodies. However, such applications and information about their outcome must be provided in writing to the Department of Fellowships and Awards of the OeAW.

It is not possible to apply for another OeAW funding program at the same time.

Compliance with the guidelines for good scientific practice

When drafting the application, the program statutes of the Post-DocTrack program and the guidelines of good scientific practice ( must be observed.

Duration of funding

Post-DocTrack fellowships are awarded for a duration of three to a maximum of twelve months and must be commenced within three months after announcement of the award. In justified exceptional cases, a later start is also possible.

Amount of Funding

The amount of the fellowship is adjusted every year; for more information, see: Fellowship Rates
These amounts are personnel costs.

In addition, a travel allowance of max. 2,000 euros can be applied for to fund project-related participation in scientific meetings/conferences or research stays abroad.


The funding of the Post-DocTrack fellowships is paid out in annual installments either directly to the fellowship holder ("new self-employed") or to the university or non-university research institution in Austria where the fellowship holders are employed.

The prerequisite for employment within the framework of the Post-DocTrack program is the commitment of the institute management that a workplace can be made available if the fellowship is awarded.

There is no provision for payment of the fellowship for a period prior to the actual start of the fellowship.


Additional employment (e.g. teaching, tutorials) are permitted if they contribute to the aims of the program and do not amount to over ten hours per week.  Exceptions to this regulation must be discussed with the Department of Fellowships and Awards of the OeAW.

Should fellows fail to adhere to the conditions of the Fellowship, they must pay back their funding.


At least one month after the end of the fellowship period, a final report must be sent by e-mail to the Department for Fellowships and Awards (stipendien.berichte(at) Publications resulting from the fellowship as well as evidence of submission of an application to a national or international funding organisation must likewise be attached.

In all publications resulting from the fellowship, the notation “funded within the Post-DocTrack Program of the OeAW” must be indicated.

Legal status

The OeAW has no influence on the content and organization of the research project. The criterion for funding is the fulfilment of the exposè prepared by the fellowship recipient.

The Austrian Academy of Sciences does not acquire any rights to the results of the research work through the payment of the fellowship, nor does it exert any influence on the type of cooperation of the recipient(s) with research institutions and research groups.

[As of: January 2025]


Value of Fellowship

Duration of Fellowship
3 - 12 months

Next submission deadlines
15 May and 17 November 2025




