The Gustav Figdor Award for Linguistics and Literary Studies is awarded for outstanding scholarly works in the field of linguistics or literary studies that are regarded as achievements equivalent to a habilitation and have been published or accepted for publication by a publishing house (peer review) no more than two years before the date of submission.
In 2025 applicacations are accepted from the field of linguistics.
Applications are invited from scholars who are not oder than 40 years (the age limit is raised by a maximum of 4 years for periods of childcare).
In case of publications with several authors, the applicant must be first author.
Selection Procedure
Prize winners are decided by an awards committee whose members are nominated by the OeAW on the basis of the panel’s own expertise and if necessary external reviews.
Application Documents
Upload via online form
The completed documents are to be uploaded via the online form.
Fill in the online form and upload the documents as a total of 2 PDF files.
The individual files may not exceed 10 MB.
Afterwards, you will receive a document that you will have to print and sign. Return a scan of the signed form in PDF format (single file) as an attachment to a reply to the received email (click reply button). IMPORTANT: The default subject and recipient must not be changed.
Upon receipt of your application, we will check that it is complete and meets the formal criteria and it will then be entered into the database of the Department of Fellowships and Awards.
Once the application has been checked for completeness, the applicant will receive confirmation by email.
At the request of the awarding committee or the reviewer, a printed copy of the scholarly work can be requested subsequently.
Research Areas
Literary Studies (in even years)
Lingustics (in uneven years)
Value of the Award
4.000,-- Euro
annually (alternating research areas)
Next Call:
March 20, 2025