The Erwin Schrödinger Award is given to scientists working in Austria or at an international research institution relating to Austria or with Austrian participation who have produced outstanding academic achievements in fields broadly represented by the Division of Mathematics and the Natural Sciences of the OeAW.

The award is intended to honour outstanding scientific achievements.

Full Members of the OeAW are not eligible for the award.

Submission procedure

Only full Members and corresponding Members abroad of the OeAW may submit nominations.

Members of the awards committee may not submit nominations.

Nominations remain valid for wo years, i.e. submissions that have not been selected will be accepted into the selection process again the following year. It is possible to resubmit a nomination that has not been considered after a blocking period of two years; this must be based on substantial scientific development.

Selection process

 The prize winner is decided by the Division of Mathematics and the Natural Sciences of the OeAW at the recommendation of an awards committee on the basis of international peer review.

The prize should not be shared.

Nomination documents

  • Tabular CV and list of publications for the nominee, including a list of the ten most-cited works in the ISI
  • Detailed reasons for nomination, giving consideration to the following aspects:
  • - The nominee’s scientific career and international visibility in the  scientific community
    - The nominee’s influence on the development of research in the field
    - Outline of the nominee’s research achievements that have had a significant and sustained impact within or beyond the field.
  • Selection of the nominee’s three most important publications (as PDFs)

Please send all nomination documents in PDF format by email to stipref(at) and in hard copy by post to the following address:

Fellowships and Awards
Austrian Academy of Sciences
Dr. Ignaz Seipel-Platz 2
1010 Wien


Research Areas
Natural and Life Sciences, Medicine, Mathematics, Technical Sciences

Value of Prize
15.000,-- Euro

Next call:
20 August 2024


  • Anniversary Fund of the City of Vienna for the OeAW